Thursday, December 9, 2010

Real Time Analytics Matrix

The end of every year brings about a chance to reflect on what has happened and what you want to have happen moving forward with your company, products and customers.

As a software company focused on bringing real time data into the hands of online media publishers, it has been an amazingly interesting year of trying to get our pitch and service correct for various types of online media organizations.

I dusted off this Analtyics Matrix diagram today (from the book Analytics at Work: Smarter Decisions, Better Results by Thomas H. Davenport, Jeanne G. Harris, and Robert Morison), which we as a company use to remind ourselves of where we are playing in the broad space of "Analytics".

Highlighted in yellow are the "information" and "insight" blocks we focus on with our service publishflow™.

What is happening right now? AND What is the next best action?

2010 was very much about perfecting the "information" side of our platform and services. 2011 will be about working with media publishers to determine what "actions" to take with the all of the real time visitor, content and revenue information they now have using publishflow™.

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